Have you ever felt like a puppet on a string? We are feeling like that as we start to work on our I-800A extension – yes 2nd extension!!!! We have to say….where are our children……in the meantime…. More hoops to jump through – fingerprints, medical updates, inspections and paperwork as another call goes out to our Social worker, Ann, to update our home study once again. Boy, did I get a surprise when I called -- what do you mean – not doing home studies any more – a heads up would have been nice.! I contact 2 Social Workers today and hopefully will hear back from them Monday– just wondering if this means that we have to start all over with multiple visits and long conversations about our childhood as well as with many many other things…omg. Our home study process has had its ups and downs with many frustration and delays in completing our documents – so this may be a blessing in disguise. I’m just feeling nervous about embarking on the whole home study process again with a new person. This update will keep me busy making appointments and gathering documents as we rush to meet our deadline focusing on the end result. All Smiles.
Same thing happened to us when our first SW closed her agency. We had her switch our file/case to another agency and we did NOT have to start over from scratch, but just were able to do a HS update when it came due. Rules may vary by state though.